Mission Statement

The mission of the Mignon Sherwood Delano Foundation is to make a limited number of meaningful annual contributions to assist in meeting demonstrated unmet financial requirements in furtherance of humanitarian, educational, cultural and environmental enrichment in the City of Allegan and Allegan County. In furtherance of its mission the Foundation will consider, among other things: contributions to medical and rehabilitative needs of financially disadvantaged persons who are ill or injured; public educational programs and the education of promising and financially disadvantaged individuals; advancement of the arts; and beautification and preservation of natural beauty, in situations where funds are not otherwise available from established institutions, businesses or governmental agencies.

First photo taken of DeLano home downtown Allegan, Michigan. Circa 1860


The Mignon Sherwood DeLano Foundation was created on April 12, 1984. The funding of the Foundation was in 1985. The first contribution was to the city’s riverfront refurbishing money-raising drive.

The primary function of the Mignon Sherwood Delano Foundation has been to facilitate consolidated charitable giving by members of the Mignon DeLano Board of Directors. The Mignon Sherwood DeLano Foundation would be the recipient of lifetime and testamentary gifts made by members of the family and other persons and would then make distributions of income or principal, or both, only to organizational qualifying under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.